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  • Desc:The field of oil and gas exploration and development is expanding and expanding, and the difficulty of drilling is increasing. From land to tidal flat shallow seas, from shallow layers to deep layers, the requirements for well control technology and drilling fluid are getting higher and higher. Potassium formate drilling fluid has been widely used in the late 1990s. It can implement rapid drilling scientifically, safely, and with high quality to meet the requirements of increasingly complex formation pressure strata.


  • Desc:In the eyes of laymen, oil extraction is similar to water wells. In fact, oil extraction needs to go through a series of processes such as exploration, determining the position, number and depth of wells. In the drilling process, technical equipment (including drilling rigs, derricks) and a set of lifting system and drill rods, drilling tools and drill bits are also required. Drilling fluid is related to the environment, reservoir and petroleum quality. Oil extraction is not easy. How to use potassium formate drilling fluid to "extract" oil from deep wells?


  • Desc:With the advancement of drilling technology, the drilling speed is accelerated, and the requirements for drilling fluid are more precise. Viscosity is related to the safety factor of construction. The effect of pressure on the apparent viscosity at room temperature is indeed great, but as the temperature increases, the effect of pressure on the apparent viscosity gradually decreases. When drilling into deep formations, the effect of temperature on the apparent viscosity of drilling fluid significantly exceeds the effect of pressure. Potassium formate drilling fluid is currently widely used drilling fluid system.


  • Desc:Calcium formate is used as a new feed additive. It can be added to the feed to increase the weight of the animal. When feed grade calcium formate is used as a feed additive for piglets, it can promote the appetite of the piglets and reduce the diarrhea rate.


  • Desc:As feed grade calcium formate is widely used in feed addition, the gap between feed grade calcium formate and other calcium sources is clearly arranged. For example: What is the calcium content of feed grade calcium formate? There is a gap in the comparison of feed calcium formate in feed addition. Here we will list the differences between feed grade calcium formate, calcium lactate and calcium citrate in feed:


  • Desc:Calcium formate, as a new feed additive, can be added to feed to increase animal weight. When feed grade calcium formate is used as a feed additive for piglets, it can promote the appetite of piglets and reduce the diarrhea rate.


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